Coaching programmes are confidential except in the following instances:
If you are an organisational client, the progress (but not content) of these sessions may be discussed with senior management or your sponsor (as appropriate and as agreed at the outset)
If you give your coach information specifically for the purpose of discussion with others.
If your coach becomes concerned for your well-being based upon any discussions or observations when s/he may advise you to seek additional professional expertise (e.g. from your GP, a therapist, etc) in which case you may request that s/he provides such information
If your coach is asked for information which may be relevant in any criminal or civil legal proceeding in which you may be involved.
Your coach may discuss matters which arise for him/her in the programme regarding his/her coaching performance with their own coaching supervisor. Where this happens, conversations are always confidential and do not identify you or your organisation.
The coach's session notes are confidential and will be stored securely for three years before being securely destroyed. These notes will be made available to you if requested. Recorded (audio or visual) material from sessions may not be reproduced or shared without your coach's written permission.
See here for our GDPR Privacy Policy including information about what we do with your data, the right to be forgotten, and so on.